Tuesday, October 5, 2010

O Mission, where Art thou

After years of talking about their dream for a combined bar/restaurant/art gallery, Nicky Ginsberg; a celebrated art dealer, and renowned restaurateur Piera Potter, finally settled on a venue. A beautiful Gothic revival church in Little Queen St Chippendale that was the original Sydney City Mission.

They kept the name, the facade and the philosophy and built within those walls a chic bar and dining experience and fantastic gallery space.
But it wasn't all beer and skittles. During construction they faced a broken legged chippie,a nasty clock watching neighbour, mind boggling bureaucracy and an ever tightening deadline. The pair were unfazed.

In May 2007, they opened Mission Bar and Restaurant and NG Art Gallery to much acclaim, and, to the delight of the locals, have been going strong ever since.

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